
First a short poem...

Not too late.

In time.


No, that's not even a haiku, but it'll have to do.

Here's the real reason for this post.

Imagine the fight between the Good Guys (aka White Hats) and the Bad Guys (aka Black Hats, cabal, etc.) as a chess match between two very good players. We're in the end game and both sides can see that the Black Hats will lose (be checkmated) in 7 moves each.

Now imagine all but the last move, the checkmate, has been played. That's where we're really at in the real world.

The last move the Black Hats could make was played just a few days ago (probably on 7/22/23, but it doesn't matter exactly when). On that day, the White Hats "threw the switch" to activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), but the Black Hats "turned it off" before we ever received any notification (on your TV, phone, computer, radio, etc.).

The White Hats expected this.

In doing so, the Black Hats gave up something (we don't know exactly what*) that will be very valuable to us. The White Hats have control of it. And in the process, the Black Hats "cut themselves off at the knees". Their move severely damaged something they had been building for a long time. Again, we haven't been told exactly what this is...yet.

So when will the White Hats finish "the game"? "In time", we're told. In time for what? Not sure. My guess is it'll be done in time for the 2024 elections.

When the EBS is activated for real, it will happen at the top of an hour. No idea which hour, but my guess here is 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00 PM CT. Any of those hours would make a lot of sense for the whole continental US.

Here's hoping and praying!


*That thing they used and that the White Hats now control is CERN. CERN wasn't created for what you think (what you've been told) it was created for.

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