Preamble: Yesterday, May 17, 2023, an in-the-know person I follow was supposed to share some "intel" with his followers. He didn't, and here's why.
He was first scheduled to go "live" at noon (CT), but told us, "I just got word that my LIVE will be moved to PRIME TIME. Tonight - 9PM Eastern."At 7:15 (8:15 Eastern), he told us, "Well guys, I was just given the "no go" for tonight's Live. Not due to anything personal, I was literally told I cannot speak about anything tonight. ... I think this should show you how serious things are starting to get. This has been my 2nd "do not go Live" in the past 2 months."
I often use such info from him to create these poems. This is why this week's is later than usual. (Similar reasons have delayed them in the past.) I know it doesn't really matter when (if ever) I post a new poem, but I wanted you to know what's going on behind the scenes - even though we don't really get all the information. It's frustrating and exciting at the same time. For many of you, I know it's only frustrating at best.
Anyway, on to this week's verse.
Run Silent is prolly a phrase
You've heard on one of your days.
Today it says how the info
Is sometimes a simple no-go.
It's hard for some to believe
What their eyes and ears can't retrieve.
Yet if you listen to what's out there,
You'll soon see why 'tis that I care.
The Durham Report, is a big deal.
You ask, "How should it make me feel?"
It should tell at a glance
That it wasn't chance,
And politics just really ain't real.
Nothing is as it looks on the surface. You're watching a movie - almost literally.
If you still believe mainstream media, what makes them more believable than anyone else?
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